* indicates the field is mandatory

Enter your details to create an account with City of Gold Coast. You can register as an individual or as a company. If registering as a company, only the Director may create an account and must be the one to complete this form. You will receive a confirmation email advising you when your account is ready and your login is activated.

Creating an online account with City of Gold Coast will enable you to manage applications, payments, and report issues along with many other useful tools. For a full list of account features visit our My Account information page.

Each person (or company) must register independently.
Please include your full name.
Surname *
Given name/s *
Company Name (only required to be completed if registering for a company)
ABN (if relevant)
ACN (if relevant)
By providing your email address, you are consenting to receive statements and notices relating to your account electronically which includes emailing of rates and water notices. Please read our Online Services Terms and Conditions on the next screen for more details.
Email address *
Email address confirmation *
The address details you provide will be used for all correspondence from the City of Gold Coast. Any previous address will be removed. To retain / amend different contact details for specific services (e.g. rates and water, dog registrations, licences), please contact us on 1300 GOLDCOAST (1300 465 326).
Current postal address (incl Suburb, State & Postcode) *
We require at least one phone number in case we need to call you. *
Home phone
Mobile phone
Business phone / International number
To progress your registration, please enter your date of birth below, confirming you are over the age of 18. (If registering as a company, please use todays date here.)
Date of birth *
Delivery Method
To verify your account, please include details of the services you currently have with City of Gold Coast. If you have no current City services, please write ‘no services’ in both fields below.
Details of your council services (eg. rates/water notice number, property settlement date, dog tag number, business license number or other reference) *
Physical property address (eg. rates property, where dog is kept) *
Create a user name for your account. We highly recommend you choose a user name which is easy to remember such as your email address.
User name (e.g. email address) *