Missing payments image
Make a payment by credit card here. Please select the type of payment you wish to make.
You can pay for more than one item in the same transaction - simply choose the 'Add more payments' option before you proceed to checkout.
 Payment typeDescription/Instructions
Rate noticeSelect this option to pay your rates. Note that water and sewerage rate notices can be paid using the option below. Please ensure you have your rate notice number and credit card available. To check your account balance or request a payment plan, use our self-service tool.
 Payment typeDescription/Instructions
Water notice

Business partner invoice
Select this option to pay your water and sewerage rate notice or business partner invoice. Please ensure you have your notice number and credit card available. To check your account balance or request a payment plan for your water account, use our self-service tool.
* This service can be used three (3) business days after the infringement issue date.
* Additional costs may be incurred due to late payment - these costs will be automatically applied to the payment screen requiring credit card details.
* No payment will be accepted through this facility if the infringement has already been passed on to SPER.
 Payment typeDescription/Instructions
Parking infringementsSelect this option to pay your parking infringement notice if the nine (9) digit infringement notice number starts with a 10, 11, 12 or 13. Please ensure you have your infringement notice number and credit card available.
Parking Infringements - ParkSafeSelect this option to pay your parking infringement notice if the nine (9) digit infringement notice number starts with a 14, 15 or 16. Please ensure you have your infringement notice number and credit card available.
Animal infringementsSelect this option to pay your animal infringement notice. Please ensure you have your infringement notice number and credit card available.
Environmental health infringementsSelect this option to pay your infringement notice for food safety, water pollution, noise & air pollution, contravening a licence condition or public health risk. Please ensure you have your infringement notice number and credit card available.
Gold Coast Water infringementsSelect this option to pay your Gold Coast Water infringement notice. Please ensure you have your infringement notice number and credit card available.
Planning and building infringementsSelect this option to pay your planning and building infringement notice. Please ensure you have your infringement notice number and credit card available.
Plumbing and drainage infringementsSelect this option to pay your plumbing and drainage infringement notice. Please ensure you have your infringement notice number and credit card available.
City laws infringementsSelect this option to pay your infringement notice for unkept or overgrown property, busking, illegal camping, illegal advertising or touting. Please ensure you have your infringement notice number and credit card available.
Vector biosecurity infringementsSelect this option to pay your infringement notice for offences under the Biosecurity Act or Local Law 9 – Parks and Reserves. Please ensure you have your infringement notice number and credit card available.
 Payment typeDescription/Instructions
Dog registration renewalSelect this option to pay your animal registration renewal. Please ensure you have your renewal notice number and credit card available.
 Payment typeDescription/Instructions
Permit or licenceSelect this option to pay for your permit or licence. Please ensure you have your reference number and credit card available.
 Payment typeDescription/Instructions
Applications (including bond payments and notices to pay)Select this option to pay your bond, security deposit or notice to pay (e.g. venue hire fees, park booking fees, cemetery fees, right to information fees).