Missing applications-application-type image
There is a range of application types available. Make a selection from this list and click 'Next' to continue.
For complete fee details view the full register of fees and charges at cityofgoldcoast.com.au/fees.
If making multiple requests each application will be issued out upon completion.
Rates and Water only searchFees are payable for all search requests. For information on specific search fees prior to requesting your search, please visit our 'Buying, selling and searches' page.
Search requestFees are payable for all search requests. For information on specific search fees prior to requesting your search, please visit our 'Search request fees and charges' factsheet.
Building private certifier (archiving)Complete this form to lodge private certifier building approvals: archiving of building approvals under the Building Act 1975.
Swimming pool fence exemptionsComplete this form to lodge an application for a swimming pool fence exemption.
Vehicle crossing licenceComplete this form to lodge an application for a new vehicular crossing (VXO) licence .
Amended building applicationComplete this form to lodge private certifier archiving of amended plans for an existing building approval under the Building Act 1975. Note: Only one (1) form may be used per building approval.
Extension of currency periodComplete this form to lodge private certifier request to extend the currency period for an existing building approval. Note: Only one (1) form may be used per building approval.
After Hours Permit ApplicationComplete this form to lodge an application for a new permit for building work/noise and/or building site delivery noise outside normal hours.

Note: This application, and payment of the applicable fee must be submitted to Council at least ten (10) business days prior to the earliest date you are requesting to work. For more information please visit our webpage at Building works and delivery hours.
Land use enquiryComplete this form to lodge a new general land use enquiry for residential based land uses.

For more information on other types of land use enquiry applications, please refer to cityofgoldcoast.com.au/searchrequest
Referral agency assessmentComplete this form to lodge a new referral agency assessment application.
Referral agency assessment express applicationComplete this form to lodge an express application for a new referral agency assessment.

To be eligible for a RAA express application, you must meet the lodgement requirements outlined in the information notes for Referral agency assessment express applications.
Referral agency assessment minorComplete this form to amend a previous Referral agency response for the same development on the same property.
Temporary road closure and work zone permitComplete this form to lodge a proposed temporary full or partial closure of the City's controlled roadways for the purpose of undertaking activities on the roadway or verge/footpath. This includes occupation of the road reserve for any structure such as gantry or hoarding. Activities may include but are not limited to: crane lifts, construction-related activities or building maintenance. This form can also be used to lodge a renewal or amendment of an existing temporary road closure and work zone permit approval.

Please note:
  1. This form can only accept up to 6 Streets per Application. If your Application has more than 6 locations please contact the Temporary Road Closures Team on 07 5667 3639
  2. Minimum 10 business days' notice required for all applications
  3. Minimum 15 business days' notice required for all closures with detour
Construction management planComplete this form to lodge a new construction management plan application.
Environmental Management PlanComplete this form to lodge a new environmental management plan application.
Maintenance Management PlanComplete this form to lodge a new maintenance management plan application.
Plumbing and drainage - Commercial - SeweredComplete this form to lodge a new plumbing and drainage application for commercial activity (in sewered areas).
Plumbing and drainage - Commercial - UnseweredComplete this form to lodge a new plumbing and drainage application for commercial activity (in unsewered areas).
Plumbing and drainage - Residential - SeweredComplete this form to lodge a new plumbing and drainage application for residential activity (in sewered areas). This includes demountable buildings and bathroom POD.
Plumbing and drainage - Residential - UnseweredComplete this form to lodge a new plumbing and drainage application for residential activity (in unsewered areas).
Concurrence agencyComplete this form to submit a concurrency report for an on-site sewerage facility.
Combined applicationComplete this form to lodge a Combined application of two or more of the following application types to be submitted together:
Material change of use, Reconfiguration of a lot and Operational works excluding tree works.
Express development application - Pre-submission requestComplete this form to lodge a request for Pre-submission request under the Express DA process.
Note: This request must completed prior to lodging an Express Development Application.
Express development applicationComplete this form to lodge an Express development application for eligible land uses.
Note: An application will only be accepted if it has been reviewed through the Express DA Pre-submission step.
Extension of approvalComplete this form for an Extension of approval application to extend a currency period of a development approval.
Generally in accordanceComplete this form to lodge a new Generally in accordance request.
Material change of useComplete this form to lodge a Material change of use application.
Minor changeComplete this form to request a Minor change to an existing development approval.
Non-tidal worksComplete this form to lodge a Non-tidal works application.
Operational worksComplete this form to lodge an Operational works application.
Operational works - vehicle access worksComplete this form to lodge an Operational works - vehicle access works application.
Other ChangeComplete this form to lodge an Other change application (a request for a change to the development approval where the change involves substantially different development).
Pre-lodgement advice requestComplete this form to lodge a Pre-lodgement advice request for specific advice for a development proposal.
Note: This form is also to be used for sites located within the Southport priority development area.
Pre-request response noticeComplete this form to lodge a change application seeking a Pre-request response notice pursuant to section 80 (2) of the Planning Act 2016.
Prescribed tidal worksComplete this form to lodge a Prescribed tidal works application.
Reconfiguration of a lotComplete this form to lodge a Reconfiguration of a lot application including subdivision, boundary realignments and access easements.
Robina final development approvalComplete this form to lodge a Robina final development approval application under the Local Government (Robina Central Planning Agreement) act 1992.
Southport priority development areaComplete this form to lodge an application within the Southport priority development area
Street namingComplete this form to lodge a Street naming application.
Superseded planning schemeComplete this form to request to apply a Superseded planning scheme to a development application.
Survey plansComplete this form to lodge one of the following:
  • Survey plan application for approval
  • Re-endorsment of a survey plan
  • Survey plan approval of easement / legal documents
Temporary ground anchorsComplete this form to lodge a Temporary ground anchors application.
Pre-paid additional servicesComplete this form to apply for temporary, pre-paid, additional waste and recycling collections and/or bins.
Pre-paid commercial binComplete this form to apply for a pre-paid commercial bin.
Rental property green waste binComplete this form to apply for a green waste bin for a rental property.
Upsize to 360 litre residential recycling binComplete this form to replace your 240 litre standard recycling bin with the larger 360 litre recycling bin.
Trade waste approvalComplete this form to apply for a trade waste approval.
Work on the City's infrastructureComplete this form forĀ approval to work on the City's infrastructure.
Concealed Leak remissionComplete this form to apply for relief from a concealed leak. Conditions apply. For more information visit cityofgoldcoast.com.au/waterleaks.
Infrastructure charge estimate or register searchComplete this form to lodge a new request for a development infrastructure charges estimate, or to request an infrastructure charges search to determine unpaid infrastructure charges and the resolution/policy under which charges are levied.