Dog registration
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Please note: Payments by credit card will incur a surcharge.
 Dog registration typesInstructionsDurationDescription Fee
Declared dangerous dogSelect this option if your dog has been declared dangerous by a authority. Details of declaration will need to be provided.1year$170.00
Desexed dogSelect this option if your dog is desexed.1year$33.00
Desexed dogSelect this option if your dog is desexed.3years$110.00
Desexed Dog – Owner over 60 years old (Senior)Select this option if you are registering a desexed dog and you are 60 years or older. Please note: Owners are required to provide documentation to confirm eligibility e.g. Drivers licence, Qld Seniors card or Proof of Age card or other plus document/s that confirm the desexing of the dog. This applies to 2 desexed dogs only at the same address or location.3years$0.00
Desexed dog - DVA Card holderSelect this option if your dog is desexed and you are the holder of a current Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA) gold, white or orange card. Please note: Owners are required to provide documentation to confirm eligibility e.g. document/s that confirms the dog is desexed. This applies to the first two desexed dogs only at the same address or location.3years$0.00
Desexed dog - Pensioner concessionSelect this option if your dog is desexed and you are eligible for a pensioner concession.1year$16.50
Desexed dog - Pensioner concessionSelect this option if your dog is desexed and you are eligible for a pensioner concession.3years$55.00
Desexed dog - Association memberSelect this option if your dog is registered with Dogs Queensland and is desexed.1year$33.00
Desexed dog - Association memberSelect this option if your dog is registered with Dogs Queensland and is desexed.3years$110.00
Desexed dog - Pensioner concession and Association memberSelect this option if your dog is desexed and you are entitled to a pensioner concession and your dog is registered with Dogs Queensland.1year$16.50
Desexed dog - Pensioner concession and Association memberSelect this option if your dog is desexed and you are entitled to a pensioner concession and your dog is registered with Dogs Queensland.3years$55.00
Desexed menacing dogSelect this option if your dog is Desexed menacing.1year$141.00
Dog - under six months of ageSelect this option if your dog is under six months of age.1year$33.00
Dog - under six months - Pensioner concessionSelect this option if your dog is under six months of age and you are entitled to a pensioner concession.1year$16.50
Entire dogSelect this option if your dog is not desexed (entire dog).1year$66.00
Entire dogSelect this option if your dog is not desexed (entire dog).3years$220.00
Entire dog - Pensioner concessionSelect this option if your dog is not desexed and you are eligible for a pensioner concession.1year$33.00
Entire dog - Pensioner concessionSelect this option if your dog is not desexed and you are eligible for a pensioner concession.3years$110.00
Entire dog - Association memberSelect this option if your dog is registered with Dogs Queensland and is not desexed.1year$36.00
Entire dog - Association memberSelect this option if your dog is registered with Dogs Queensland and is not desexed.3years$120.00
Entire dog - Pensioner concession and Association memberSelect this option if your dog is not desexed and you are entitled to a pensioner concession and your dog is registered with Dogs Queensland.1year$18.00
Entire dog - Pensioner concession and Association memberSelect this option if your dog is not desexed and you are entitled to a pensioner concession and your dog is registered with Dogs Queensland.3years$60.00
Entire menacing dogSelect this option if your dog is Entire menacing.1year$170.00
Reciprocal dog registrationSelect this option is your dog is registered with a council who has a reciprocal dog registration transfer agreement in place.1year$0.00
Companion dogSelect this option if you are registering a dog as defined as an assistance animal under Disability Discrimination Act 1992. Please note: Owners are required to provide a letter from a medical practitioner confirming the person’s disability and that the animal alleviates the effect of the disability; and a statutory declaration stating the dog is trained to assist with the owner’s disability.3years$0.00
Guide dogSelect this option if you are registering a dog as defined under Guide, Hearing and Assistance Dogs Act 2009. Please note: Owners are required to provide proof of certification, i.e. identity cards for handlers, trainers and puppy carers.3years$0.00
Hearing dogSelect this option if you are registering a dog as defined under Guide, Hearing and Assistance Dogs Act 2009. Please note: Owners are required to provide proof of certification, i.e. identity cards for handlers, trainers and puppy carers.3years$0.00
Assistance dogSelect this option if you are registering a dog as defined under Guide, Hearing and Assistance Dogs Act 2009. Please note: Owners are required to provide proof of certification, i.e. identity cards for handlers, trainers and puppy carers.3years$0.00
Working dogSelect this option if you are registering a working dog. Please note: Working dogs must belong to a primary producer or to a person employed by a primary producer and be used for the purposes of droving, protecting, tending or working stock or being trained for these activities. Working dogs must be kept, or proposed to be kept, on rural land of the primary producer and must not be a regulated dog.3years$0.00